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学生 sitting in bleachers at a WEB event.
学生 on a boat whale watching
Ocean Science Trip
Disneyland Field Trip
Disneyland Music Trip
学生 in protective science gear doing an experiment
Science Experiment
学生 on a museum field trip
Grammy Museum
Cheerleaders at a 马歇尔 football game.
Dance show at 马歇尔
工作人员 at 马歇尔 says No Bullying
No Bullying Spirit Day
学生 perform High 学校 Musical
High 学校 Musical

Our 任务 and 愿景

To provide an environment that cultivates the whole student by educating the mind, 心, and body of the individual. 

Every student a prepared and successful individual for high school and a career; also a well-rounded, responsible person who can express him/herself creatively, and can be a contributing citizen to our society and our world.

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It's a Great Day to be a 马歇尔 Ram

愿景 Statement: Together, we are empowered, life-long learners and compassionate, responsible global citizens.